Twisted As
They Come
My name is Mike. I'm the creator and artist for Twisted Fate Forge. With a wandering mind that constantly runs wild, finding an outlet through passionate creativity connected with laughter of unconventional humor, few would survive in here. Here we go....
As a Solo Dad, raising two teen daughters, I'm put to the fire every single day and I wouldn't change a thing. These two beautiful souls will always be the most spectacular pieces I'll ever forge. My ever, Greatest Creations. The fuzzy four legged sidekick is our Wonder Mutt, Oslo. He is the best companion a twisted boy could have.
Naturally curious, always having a propensity to learn how things work, and tearing everything apart since a boy if it broke I'd fix it, if it stopped running I'd rebuild it, and when they told me, "You cant do that....", I did it.
Upon graduating with a bachelors degree in Engineer Operations from Maine Maritime Academy, I accepted work as an engineer for an oil drilling company aboard the latest dynamic positioning oil drilling ship. Later transferring into tanker ship operations hauling cargo coast to coast, and finally into the power plant industry working with biomass boilers and steam turbine operations.
With the incredible discovery that my first daughter was on her way, I formulated an exit strategy that allowed me to shift from the working industry into becoming a stay at home Dad. This parental industry experience would turn out to be the most stressful and energy draining task I had ever encumbered, however, it has also been the most rewarding. My children are my Light.
Having skillful aptitude for using my hands coupled with the ability to see something greater in a piece of scrap, junk, and spare parts has proven advantageous in my career and creative life. I may not know exactly what a piece of scrap is for in that moment, but feel it has a purpose. The piece assures me it has design potential.
Twisted Fate Forge was recently created, at the end of December 2022, days before Christmas. The girls and I have been working through a difficult time in our lives added with unneeded stress of unwelcome working conditions at my job, I was forced to leave work. Needing that creative outlet the morning following my resignation, I entered the shop with fierce intent and began feverously working on whatever I could get my hands on. I needed to construct.
What was a mere hobby the day before was now quickly becoming my new Life. Day after day I'd enter the shop with my steeping mug of tea, music, and hammer in hand. The creativity poured out putting my business together in days. It quickly began gaining ground on social media platforms. People started inquiring about my items. It was really happening, but one thing was missing. This unforeseen twisted monstrosity of an entity needed a name......
While sitting on the sofa watching a show with my youngest daughter, I looked over at her and said, "Twisted Fate Forge". She looked back, and in return offered, "I like it. We've both had our own twists of fate. It fits."
In that single moment, Twisted Fate Forge drew a heartbeat, and came to Life.
Thank you to everyone the has been and will be a part of my journey in this Life. Special thank you to my amazing daughters, Vayda and Calliya. Your encouraging words will forever ring in my ears, and giving me a taste of my own encouraging medicine will remain bittersweet:
"Just own it, Dad! You're such an artist....."<---(Insert teenage eyeroll)
"Dad, do what makes you happy."
Thank you. I love you, All.
I am because We are.
"I am a big fan of his work and have bought numerous pieces for myself and as gifts. He took the time to listen to what I wanted and worked with me to design the pieces I was looking for." -D.K.